I /We am/are of legal age to enter in this agreement. I hereby request that Heathridge Partners open an account in the name(s) listed as account holder(s) on this
application. I/We the undersigned agree to provide instructions as an authorized signatory to Heathridge Partners via phone, fax, email or any other method deemed
appropriate by Heathridge Partners without instructions being duly confirmed in writing. Therefore, this signed document allows Heathridge Partners to process
transactions sent via any of the above mentioned mediums without liability in any form to Heathridge Partners or its employees.
I understand there are fees associated with establishing, maintaining, engaging in transactions, and transferring assets out of this account. I further acknowledge that
securities products purchased or sold in a transaction with Heathridge Partners are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal invested. I
understand that Heathridge Partners does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.